Chinese robot dogs make US military nervous?

Chinese robot dogs make US military nervous?

Chinese robot dogs make US military nervous?

According to the United States World News Network reported that recently held a joint military exercise between China and Cambodia, the People's Liberation Army demonstrated two robot dogs, one of which can carry a rifle and adjust the direction of the muzzle flexibly. Us media said that this means that China's robot dog research and development is "one step ahead of the United States", which believes that the former or has been installed in the army, and may rewrite the face of future warfare.

Good use is a good helper of mankind

Singapore's Straits Times newspaper noted that the Chinese-Cambodian exercises and the appearance of a military robot dog "have the United States concerned about Beijing's growing influence in Southeast Asia." A robot dog has caused such anxiety in the United States, which I am afraid is not only alarmist, but also the hegemonic psychology of "only allowing state officials to set fires and not allowing people to light lights".

Science and technology should serve to maintain world peace and benefit mankind, rather than become a tool to incite hostility and increase the risk of conflict.

Photo/Live Science website

Robot dogs patrolling archaeological sites. 

In other parts of the world, robot dogs are also increasingly being used in civil applications. According to the Spanish "El Pais" reported on March 19, the southern city of Malaga launched a robot police dog test project, which is equipped with panoramic cameras and sensors, not only can talk, accompany police patrol law enforcement, but also can alert and issue tickets in time. According to Live Science, in the ancient city of Pompeii, Italy, a robot dog named "Spot" was used to explore and monitor the ancient site, looking for structural damage.

Used properly is a defender of justice

As long as it is properly used, the robot dog also has great potential in the military field and becomes a powerful weapon to defend peace and justice.

On March 22, a terrorist attack on a concert hall in Moscow killed and injured about 700 people. Some analysts said that terrorist organizations are changing their strategies, making this terrorist attack present a sudden incident, short process, pursuit of killing and other new characteristics. And a country's elite anti-terrorism forces have limited forces, and can not cover all civilian targets that may be attacked around the clock and without dead spots. At this point, tireless and responsive unmanned combat platforms can take on the heavy responsibility.

Photo/Cambodia Daily website

Cambodian military generals visit robot dogs and other participating intelligent equipment. 

For example, in public areas such as shopping malls, theaters, transportation hubs and other public areas with large pedestrian flow, a "robot dog + drone" air-space integrated warning system is deployed in advance.

Usually, they are like household sweeping robots hidden in the corner of the charge standby, once something is ordered to quickly attack, in the reconnaissance positioning, passing intelligence at the same time, the use of non-lethal weapons equipped with interference, prevent the mob, for the anti-terrorism commandos and ambulance personnel arrived at the scene to win precious time.

From the wonderful performance of the Sino-Cambodian military exercise, it can also be seen that the robot dog with high mobility and intelligence gathering capabilities will become a sharp weapon in street combat in the future urban warfare. In particular, it can carry out reconnaissance, combat and other tasks in dangerous areas such as buildings, underground passages and fortifications shelters, which can achieve the surprise effect of the opponent's lightning speed.

Although the US media claimed that "the US (military) robot dog was abandoned because of loud noise and complex systems", the foreign media reports of the past two years will find that the US military has accelerated the testing and development of military robot dogs.

Photo/USAF official website

Robot dogs taking part in U.S. military exercises.

In early September 2020, the US Air Force C-130 transport plane flew to the exercise airport, allowing the V60 robot dog to go out of the cabin first to detect and reconnaissance, so as to avoid threats to its own aircraft and personnel. Observing the photos released by the U.S. military, we can see that the V60 is equipped with Picatinny guide rails on the back, which can be equipped with various small weapons at any time according to needs.

The Spanish "Confidential newspaper" website reported that in September 2023, the US Marine Corps also successfully tested a robot dog equipped with M72 anti-tank rocket launcher, saying that it will "greatly improve the offensive strength of the US Marine Corps."

The little robot dog reflects the changing times

Speaking of the US Marine Corps, according to the Japanese "Asahi Shimbun" reported that because of the "strong sense of crisis" towards China, the United States is stepping up the formation of three "littoral combat regiments" adapted from the Marine Corps.

Japanese media said that the US military's "Littoral Combat group" will be equipped with unmanned shore-to-ship missile launch vehicles, MQ-9 unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, and strengthen network information operations. It can be seen that the former attaches particular importance to the intelligence and information of weapons and equipment, and does not rule out the future of the robot dog.

However, according to the website of Popular Science, the robot dog tested by the US Marine Corps seems to be a consumer product launched by Chinese technology companies and can be bought on Amazon.

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